Shares allotted today and the current grey market premium (GMP) for the Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IPO are disclosed. How do I check my IPO status

 As the IPO allocation for Utkarsh Small Finance Bank approaches, excitement is growing.

Investors in New Delhi who took a chance on the Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IPO are anxiously anticipating the distribution of shares. Between July 12 and July 14, the company's IPO subscription window was open, and investors responded overwhelmingly. In fact, the IPO was staggeringly 101.91 times oversubscribed, demonstrating the enormous demand it sparked. Notably, the IPO's retail investor segment witnessed a 72.11 times subscription rate, demonstrating their intense interest in the transaction.

As the IPO Allotment for Utkarsh Small Finance Bank approaches, anticipation grows.

Investors are anxiously expecting the allotment of shares after the Utkarsh Small Finance Bank IPO received an overwhelmingly positive response. People can follow the allotment status using the BSE website or the IPO registrar's website to stay up to date. Additionally, they can receive updates on the allotment status by email. On July 19, 2023, the allotment procedure for shares under the IPO is anticipated to be finished.

The share price of Utkarsh Small Finance Bank has been comparatively constant during the last three days on the black market. Investors are still closely monitoring any prospective changes.

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